Friday, February 10, 2006

Anchorage moose hunt deemed a success

The October 2005 moose hunt held on the Anchorage Hillside wasn't very big -- only four permits, but it represented one of the most difficult hunts to open in years, according to an editorial in this months' Alaska Wildlife News. The Anchorage area moose population is large, and with few predators, it has been a persistent challenge to state wildlife managers to find a way to balance the size of the population with the shrinking available habitat. These four permits have done little to solve that problem, but the success of this year's hunt -- and expected success next year -- should make larger hunts possible.

Cheers are in order for Anchorage area game biologist Rick Sinnott and the crew there at ADFG who hammered out the details, and to the hunters who did such a good job on this first hunt.

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