Monday, September 18, 2006

Hunters? A biologist confronts the issue of slobs

Alaska wildlife biologist Jack Whitman is a long time hunter. He writes: "I’m intimately involved in hunting, both professionally (for 35 years a biologist) and personally in my everyday life. I’m proud of that heritage which has been handed down through the generations. I’ll do what I can to maintain it for my children and for their children."

But two things happened recently to Whitman which caused him to become acutely aware of the issue of slobs in our ranks: the senseless killing of two animals: an owl sitting on its eggs, and his own hunting dog.

"Is this the wave of the future on a grand scale, or is this just a select few Fairbanks “hunters” that I’ve had the recent misfortune to encounter?," he writes.

Read the entire article on the Alaska Outdoors Supersite >>>

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