Wednesday, October 11, 2006

BLM May Take Action on Tundra Trucks

The two truck owners stuck in the tundra off the Haul Road may face legal as well as financial problems as a result of driving their pickup trucks off the road in September in order to retrieve downed caribou, according to the Anchorage Daily News.

"I'm investigating it with the intent that (legal) action will be taken against the violators," said Bureau of Land Management ranger Ed Lee of Fairbanks.

"The hunters last week received permission from the BLM to jack the trucks up and put them on plastic blocks in hopes they will be able to drive them out when the ground freezes this winter. The trucks are on BLM land about 370 miles north of Fairbanks."

Read the entire article >>>

The issue was discussed extensively in at least one Alaska Hunting Forum thread.

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